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The Jen Fulwiler Show

Dec 29, 2021

Jen’s husband shares his secrets to guilt-free parenting, and is also filling in as a guest producer! Jen also reveals her word and saint for 2022.

Tour cities and dates will be announced the first week of January at 

Weekly bonus content on Patreon:

*Thank you for...

Dec 14, 2021

People think Jen sounds like a man. And they're not wrong. Jen also introduces the very first podcast sponsor (and probably the last after this episode).

Hallow App:

Tour tickets:

*Thank you for your iTunes reviews! I read every one personally. Keep them coming! -Jen*

Dec 1, 2021

Jen is back! She gives you permission to have an imperfect holiday season. She also wonders if we could have Christmas mimes and acrobats going door-to-door like Christmas carolers, and introduces an exciting new podcast sponsor.

Tour tickets: 

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Nov 9, 2021

How Jen lost weight and, most importantly, stopped hating the way she looked. DISCLAIMER: Jen is not drunk in this episode, she’s just being extra crazy because she’s tired lol

Get Unstuck Club:

Comedy tour tickets:

Nov 8, 2021

In order to love, you have to get out of your comfort zone. In fact, the more you’re willing to do things that feel risky to you, the better you’ll be able to love and serve your friends and family. This is all inspired by the fact that Jen is doing something insane again.

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