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The Jen Fulwiler Show

Oct 29, 2020

Jen takes on:
- Pushy celebrity voting videos
- The new "laurel" / "yanni" clip that says "brainstorm" / "green needle"
- Sexy costumes (yes, there is a Sexy Harambe costume)

Weekly bonus episodes on Patreon!

Follow Jen on Instagram:

This Is...

Oct 23, 2020

Content warning! Jen covers the incident where a CNN correspondent exposed himself on a Zoom call with the New Yorker. After she's done with her wildly inappropriate commentary, she draws out deep truths about the Christian view of sex. 

Weekly bonus episodes on Patreon:


Oct 15, 2020

I start the party by taking on people who criticize moms for their work choices, and go on to talk about how the earrings I'm wearing were once stuck in my ears...for 12 years.

Bonus episodes with more personal, "off the record" content on Patreon!

Thank you all sooooooooo much for the...

Oct 9, 2020

Today I cover:
- Handmaid's Tale protest outfits
- How billionaire Sara Blakely embarrassed herself - and why you should too
- Why I was wandering a parking lot for an hour

Bonus episodes on Patreon:

*Thank you for your iTunes reviews! I read each one personally. Keep them coming!*

Oct 1, 2020

I step into my rightful role as queen of the weird Catholics to comment on Amy Coney Barrett, covenant communities, and Supreme Court nominations in general. I also talk about Sylvain Helaine, the tattoo covered man who wanted to teach kindergarten.

Bonus episodes on Patreon:

*Thank you...